Wrinkles are inevitable. We are all going to get old someday and start to show the laugh lines and worry lines that made us who we are. But there are way to start investing in your skin now to prevent as many wrinkles as possible, or at least make them wait for your grandparent days to show up.  Wrinkles or saggy skin are results of less collagen and there are factors involved other than just age, such as  dehydration, sun damage, poor nutrition, smoking, or merely sleeping on your side with your cheek against the pillow.

Here are 4 ways to make your skin strong now and for the future:

1. Drink Water54c19b03f6229d35104e759e39c0e882

Water is definitely essential for being healthy. Proper hydration is important for long and short-term health, and is critical to maintaining healthy skin. In fact, the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority in the United States reported that when people increased their water intake, their skin had a more radiant glow. Also, those who suffered from acne reported to have the same results. Sure, nothing will happen overnight but increasing your water intake should be enough for you to see how hydration affects the skin.

Tip – Use a moisturizer after your shower to allow better absorption.




c4053a1c4d45e5a2af6c0ae9c59903e12. Use Sunscreen

Exposure to sunlight accounts for 90% of premature skin aging and wrinkles. In a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in the US, people who applied sunscreen everyday showed 24% less skin aging than those who used creams everyday.  A good, broad-spectrum sunscreen should have an SPF of at least 15, so apply it any time you will be out in the sun.

Tip: Re-apply sunscreen after 2 to 4 hours.






3. Eat Whole Grains

Focus on eating whole grains that are high in vitamins, minerals, and fibers. Studies show that people who consume whole grains have a higher tendency to have fewer wrinkles. Whole grains help with minimizing wrinkles by the availability of vitamin E and polyphenols which are helpful in giving youthful skin. Create your own meals and include as many whole grains as possible.

For an example:542299-secret-to-a-healthy-life

Breakfast; muffins or whole grain cereal, such as oatmeal.

Lunch; whole grain bread and vegetables.

Dinner: Brown rice or pasta.

Snack : Yogurt, fruits, whole grain cereal bars or crackers.




4. Stop smoking

Cigarette smoke leads to the breaking down of collagen and elastin. Studies in the Twin Research Unit at St. Thomas Hospital in London showed that a smoker had 40% thinner skin than a non-smoker. Other than tanning in a tanning booth, smoking is the most dangerous thing you can do to your skin. It makes the skin look older by making the skin dry and have age spots. Smoking also adds wrinkles across the face, especially around the eyes and lips.