By Mostafa Hesham Fawzy

Growing up, we all make many friends, meet different people and lose many more along the way. Yet, there is always this one person who makes their way to our hearts and remains along our side back to back at all times. Your best friend is the one labeled ‘el backbone/el 3eshra/ main person” on your Instagram captions. Today we share the 6 hilarious times you should be grateful you had this person as your backbone...bos ya seedi:


  1. Starting from the fact that he/she probably have helped you pass’ sata ebteda2i w sanweya amma’.

Without this person, you would probably still be in kindergarten trying to figure out how to spell the word ‘ball’. This person probably helped you study, invented cheating tactics with you and if you were lucky enough, got to switch exam papers with you; we know all about your evil memories.

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  1. You use this person as an alibi to your parents in any situation.

You basically want to spend overnight roaming in the streets, but your parents won’t like it, so here comes this person whom you’re supposedly sleeping over for the night…w tabaan if mama called…you’re in the bathroom/betsali…Etc and the list never ends.


  1. The period you are having an ex-moment and they’re literally your troy shield.

Every now and then, some of us get to meet their ex by accident and all those unresolved feelings come rushing by. This person is always there to make sure you look good and start conversations about how happy you are now. They will probably save your life at that particular moment with a strangely arranged series of lies.


  1. Whenever a stranger pisses you off on the streets…You find Abdo muta with you.

If you were a girl, and someone harasses you hatla2i bakabort coming out of this person, defending you as if you were their own daughter. If you were a guy w fe khena2a Tala3 el matawi ba2a and I guess you’ll be taking the stranger’s side at the very end!

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  1. You know that one last piece item on sale you longed for, remember who paid for it?

Aside from being your main person and all that crap, she/he ain’t no main person if there’s no money involved. He/she will probably be your main credit card and will help you look and feel good even if you cannot afford it at times, because what is friendship for..right?


  1. This person probably joined things they did not want to because you forced them to. Yes! You did.

Aside from the fact that you get your -Eat Pray Love moment- and you decide to learn Italian or pursue a new sport, this person was always there to keep you company. Your beloved soso or whatever the name of this poor victim is.

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To sum up, If any of those six signs apply to anyone in your life..7ala2 3aleh/3aleha ..7ala2 I repeat. Finding those people has become so hard today. Trust me, if you don’t, you will probably find your jeans ripped off  one day in the middle of nowhere and no one will cover you up; we all need a cover up my friend!