When one of your friends has a new baby, you’re usually overjoyed that you’ve officially become an aunt, however, it can come with its annoying baggage. Here are some of the annoying thins new mums do:

1. Whine over and over again about their extra weight

Stop whining and start acting on it and you’ll soon get back to your pre-pregnancy shape. It’s only normal to put on a few pounds after giving birth. You should know that you’re still beautiful; it was definitely worth it.

2. Showering your phone with pictures of their baby

Yes, we get it. You’re excited and proud of your new baby and would like to share it with the rest, We do appreciate it and even think it’s cute. However, what we don’t appreciate is, receiving daily proof of your baby’s progress. Seriously, one is enough. He doesn’t look any different in the span of a day or two. 

3. Whine over how they couldn’t sleep

Walahi kolena 3arfeen that new mums don’t get enough sleep, but you should have known that before deciding to have a baby. Please stop whining about it; we already know you’re suffering.

4. Buy them extremely expensive clothes and show off

Nowadays, parents dress their babies in brands that they themselves didn’t wear le7ad orayeb! This shouldn’t be annoying to others, however, bragging about it and showing off is.

5. They never stop talking about baby stuff when they gather with other new mums

New mommies are one thing and new mommies when they meet up are a whole other thing!! They start discussing every little detail about their baby from food to poop. It really bothers the rest of your friends when the whole outing seems to revolve around motherhood issues.

6. Take them everywhere even if the baby’s presence is inappropriate

No, you shouldn’t take them to cafes with shisha everywhere and you shouldn’t take them to weddings where the noise bothers them and they end up bothering everyone else. Motherhood is about sacrifice. Yes, it’s sometimes such a bummer that you don’t have the same life you had but again it’s what new mommies are expected to do.

7. Bringing up the baby topic in literally every conversation

We know your life has probably been revolving around the baby for the last couple of months, but please when we’re telling you a story about anything try to act interested and not to re-direct the conversation again to your baby.