Egyptian mums are one of a kind in a lot of ways. They’re probably the most caring and kindest mums in the whole world wide. They keep thinking about you and treat you like you’re still a baby for your whole life, and that’s how much they love you. However, they can sometimes be drama queens; other mums cannot get as dramatic as they do even if they tried! Below are 7 ultimatums only Egyptian mums would give:

1- Estana 3alaya lama nerawa7

When we heard this threat, back when we were kids, it used to shake us inside out. We used to stay burdened for the whole day until we got home; we didn’t enjoy the rest of the outing nor the rest of the day. We didn’t want to get home so we wouldn’t face what’s awaiting us. By the time we arrived home, mother would have probably forgotten that she said so aslan!!

2- Hasebloko el beit we amshy

Leih? Seriously leih? Why would a mum give her children a threat like this one?!! A lot of children didn’t think of it as a punishment, instead, they kept thinking about all the things they will do when their mum leaves.

3- Shoofo meen hayetbokhloko tany

It’s usually said when you dare to give a negative comment about her food or say that you’d like to order out instead. It also comes in different contexts: “shoofo meen haayakhod balo men el beit, shoofo meen haykhali balo menko and so on…”

4- Eb2y ableeni/abelny law fala7ty/fala7t

This destructive, negative comment!!

5- Ha2omlak

If the child fedel yetsha2a and her shouting didn’t stop him, she would give this warning. However, she never clarifies what she’s going to do ba3d mat2oom!!

6- Ha2ta3 eidak

Usually, when the child keeps touching stuff that he shouldn’t, like food when mum is still cooking or preparing for a 3ozouma!! Only a true Egyptian mum would threat her child that she’ll cut their hands off!! What kind of threat is this anyway?!!

7- 7a2ool le baba

This is the only one that actually makes sense. After all, dads are known to be tougher than mums.