By: Passant Omar 

The best of both worlds means taking advantage of two different sides of one story. In life, it’s hard to take advantage of all the possibilities. But in some cases, you can still enforce it. You won’t find ultimate satisfaction in anything in this life, but with some tricks and twists, you may still be able to reach a very high level of satisfaction. Circumstances may sometimes be hard to change, but you are changeable. You can always adapt to the circumstances.

There are two sides to every story

Almost all the situations that you go through have their good side and their bad side. A side you enjoy and another you ignore for the greater good you supposedly get out of the whole thing. For instance, you moved to a new city for a job you’ve been dying for, but you hate that you are departed from your hometown, friends and family. What would normally happen is that you’d feel depressed and keep longing for them all week, but why do that when you can have the time of your life instead?! You are in a new city that you will be stuck in for a long while, why not explore it? Why not try out the new foods, bond more with your colleagues or look for someone to show you around? Instead of feeling sad and lonely, learn to appreciate what you have.

You are capable of turning things around for yourself

What I’m trying to say is that you could be responsible for making life easier when it’s not in your favor. Life is not easy, if you don’t choose to make it easy for yourself. You don’t have to like the rest of the group in the outing you planned with your friends this weekend, but you can still not be bothered by their existence. You can simply try to bond with them; maybe you’ll like them once you get to really know them. If it’s too hard, you can just catch up with your friends whom you’ve missed and just ignore the others.

Turn your negative thoughts into positive ones

Traffic became a common struggle to all Egyptians. It’s true that you still arrive to your destination, but that happens after you’ve lost faith in humanity plus twenty percent of your time. However, you can always choose to enjoy it. Instead of getting off your car full of anger every day, a little effort must be put. Try putting on your favorite music or planning ahead for the next weekend. Eat a healthy snack, or come up with a new idea to develop your work or improve yourself as a person. This could be the perfect time to work on yourself! Time is precious. Don’t waste it struggling with traffic.

Acknowledge the fact that you are blessed

Learn to see how lucky you are by appreciating the many good things that life has given you. If you have a job that pays you well or if your boss is one of your favorite people in the world, then you’re lucky! You must learn to appreciate these small things since they happened to you without you having to make any effort. You must regard these few things as a blessing and try to enjoy them while you patiently wait for the next challenge only to appreciate the good it brings.

Last but not least, bear in mind that life is not always fair. However, you can still take advantage of its unfairness! You are capable of making your life easier or harder. All you need to do is to just change the way you look at things and try and maintain a positive attitude. It’s as easy as it sounds! Getting the best of both worlds is not only for Miley Cyrus!