Chakra healing is a type of meditating that helps us connect with our inner self and know ourselves better. Chakra is the energy centre of the body. There are 7 chakras, each relating to a color.


This color governs the crown chakra which is located at the top of the head. The crown chakra is responsible for measuring how strong/weak one’s spirituality and higher consciousness are. It also is associated with beauty, inspiration and knowledge. So, think less, feel more.










Indigo governs the third eye chakra which is positioned in the center of the forehead. It is associated with the psychic abilities, how a person sees through others surrounding him/her and the ability to see things from higher and deeper aspects.



Blue governs the throat chakra which measures how verbally expressive a person might be, and his/her ability to communicate through speaking and the inner voice.


4. Green

This color governs the heart chakra, and what would a heart relate to other than love? The heart chakra measures our ability to give and receive love unconditionally. It also is associated with understanding, compassion, forgiveness and hope.


5.  Yellow

Governs the solar plexus chakra located below the ribs. This chakra is responsible for measuring the personal power of us, individuals, our will, energy, clarity, self-esteem and happiness.


6.  Orange

Orange is the colour of success and self-respect. It governs the sacral chakra located in the lower abdomen. It determines the levels of creativity, sexuality, power and emotions. It also measures how able  we are to expand and embrace our interests and activities.


7.  Red

Red governs the root chakra which is located at the end of the spine. This chakra relates to family connections, survival, security, courage and how our roots are connected and grounded by the Earth.
