By Hana Yousry

Why has loving yourself become so difficult? Why do you intend to give others more than you give yourself? Just so you know, others will never love you unless you love yourself first. How can you expect to find someone who loves you if you, yourself, don’t? In other words, no one will love you until you start loving yourself.

Know Your Worth

Believing in yourself and knowing what you’re capable of doing are the first steps to reaching your goals. If you don’t trust the powers of your skills, then don’t be surprised when others don’t believe in you.


Accept Yourself

To love yourself, you need to ACCEPT yourself and know that you’re too precious. With all your flaws and mistakes, you’re still perfect. We all make mistakes and we all have flaws, but that doesn’t mean we should hate ourselves for it. Thus, you need to accept your wounds, your embarrassments and even your peculiarities. You need to learn that it’s OKAY to have flaws.


Don’t Listen to What Others Say

Some say that loving yourself is selfish; others say it’s arrogant but they’re all wrong. Choosing yourself first doesn’t mean you’re a bad person; it just means you know your worth. Because if you don’t, NO ONE will. I repeat, no one will. Don’t listen to someone who points out the negatives in you. Not everyone will like you, but you weren’t born to please everyone, were you?


It’s Okay to Choose Yourself

Love is something we can choose, just like forgiveness. It’s your choice whether or not to forgive someone who once did you wrong. You need to understand that it’s fine to choose to love and forgive yourself just like you do with others. It’s fine to put yourself first because no one will ever choose you over his/herself. That’s why you should be strong enough to let go of whatever hurts you.


How to Love Yourself?

Today is the day where you need to start loving yourself and accepting who you are. Here some ways to love yourself:

Write Down What You Love The Most About Yourself

Be Good To Your Body

Embrace Your Talent

Stop Trying To Fit In

Embrace Your Beauty

You’re A Source Of Happiness To Many People

Don’t Settle For Things Just Because “it’s always been this way”

Work On Yourself To Be The Best Version Of You

Embrace Your Power

Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

Everyone has something that they could excel at and you definitely have this one thing that not everyone else can do!!


To cut a long story short, you need to love yourself and appreciate what you have because if you don’t, no one will do it for you.