We talk about society a lot. We say that it limits us, that it brings out the worst in us but how many of us actually managed to get out there, look society in the eyes and dare to question what it’s all about. Esraa Mohamed, a young girl with the prettiest of hearts, dared to stand in the face of society. She gave us a lesson about love, and for that we will always be grateful.

A video recorded by the beautiful Esraa Mohamed, where she spoke her heart out to us and told us how grateful she is for every blessing she has, went viral. She said that while she might not have it very good, others have it worse. Esraa added that while she only has four fingers, others might not even have that, and for that Esraa believes she is blessed.

Esraa taught us a lot of things, but most of all, she taught us  to love ourselves, even when others don’t. To cherish what we have, because others may and DO have it worse. She taught us to accept the judgments of others, because at the end of the day no one taught them any better. She taught us not to judge what we don’t know. Esraa is a light in an often dim world. And thanks to her, we will take her heartfelt message with us to our graves. Because of Esraa we now know that there are many people in this world who still have gracious souls despite the constant times that society has tried to bring them down.

Watch the video below for her whole speech!