By Eman Osman
The West has always had misconceptions about various cultures and places in general, and the Arab world in specific. And because they have such a strong and powerful media followed by people around the globe, citizens of the world tend to believe their portrayal of us. 
Now, let’s clear a few things up:

1- Camels and sheep

The Arab world is actually a place known for its heavy traffic. Where did anyone get the idea of us riding around on camels and feeding our herd of sheep all day?

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2- Desert

We have buildings and roads I swear. We’re not some hobos who live in tents.

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3- Hijabs

“Do you have to wear hijab?”

I have been asked this question multiple times. The answer is always no. Not everyone is wearing hijabs and not everyone is covered up. Unless you live in Saudi Arabia…


4- Religion in general

People believe that all Arabs are radical Muslims when that is not the case at all. People of all religions live here and a lot are not that religiously strict, even the ones who grew up in rigid Muslim or Christian families.


5- Everyone’s rich

I think this one applies more to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Dubai etc…But even there, it’s not always the case. We don’t have tons of jewelry, live in fancy apartments or own all the latest high tech devises.


6- Sex-Slaves

That was a few hundred years ago mate. Sorry bruh.


Let’s do our foreign friends a favor and share this with them so they can stop making up bull$**t about us.