Say goodbye to productivity, folks. This is really tough luck for all those students studying for exams, because we are not sure how any of us are going to resist the temptation to binge-watch… Everything.

Thank goodness it’s a long weekend. Maybe then we can get the first round of marathoning out of our systems before we go back to work, but it’s doubtful.

It is finally official. Netflix has expanded its services to nearly the entire world. Now we know, you have probably been watching all the exact same shows already, just by less legal means. So why get excited about a service you have to pay for? Because it is so convenient, and it’s all right there on any device!

And the even crazier thing? Netflix is offering a one-month trial for free! We expect the internet in the country to crash right about… anytime now.

In addition to its revolutionary announcement that it is available basically everywhere in the world, Netflix is also adding more content and more languages, including Arabic.

Let the binge-watching begin.