In Egypt, hipsters, old men, Ikhwanis, metal heads, and almost anyone has now grown a beard. Itโ€™s becoming a thing worldwide as well, and some made it a lifestyle and called it โ€œlumber-sexual.โ€ Every guy is now embracing his beard, and women are loving it.


Of course, the internet had to bust our bubble with a news piece thatโ€™s been spreading around saying that menโ€™s beards have poop in them and are dirtier than toilets. People panicked, men started shaving, and women are forcing their men to shave. But is it really true? Are beards poop magnets?

Here are the facts. The whole thing was started by a New Mexico news crew when they gathered some volunteers to get tested. Who are the volunteers? Who made the test? What are the actual test results? No one knows. The whole thing started based on a video done by nobodies without any scientific evidence. The only thing thatโ€™s mentioned in the video is that it contains enteric bacteria, which is the poop bacteria basically.


Of course beards have bacteria in it, what did you expect? But none of these โ€œevidenceโ€ they have is prove that itโ€™s unhealthy. And to make things worse for you, the average human face has more bacteria, as well as enteric as well. So yes, you might have poop on your face right now, and youโ€™ll never know.

In fact, poop is everywhere. Some of the most common items that have more poop than toilets are soaps, door knobs, money, key boards, and your phone. Your phone is a poop carrier, especially if you take it with you in the toilet.


So if you think that a beard is a dipper and you must shave it to avoid poop, donโ€™t. Your beard doesn’t have poop if you groom it properly and have an average hygiene level. Not to mention that poop is everywhere. So even if itโ€™s on your beard, itโ€™s not the worst thing that could happen.


Embrace your facial hair, gents!