They say behind every successful man is a woman, and its true, wether its a super cute crush he wants to impress, a loving supportive wife, or a super crazy partner that drove him into becoming a workaholic because heโ€™s too afraid of going back home. No matter who you are, you need to realize the effect you have on a man, and the true influence of your support. Many men end up in a job they hate just to pay the bills, while they ignore their real talent, be it sports, music, art, poetry, writing, cooking, or whatever they are passionate about. Some men are able to maintain their passion as a side habit for a while, but with endless working hours and ever increasing responsibilities most of those men will eventually give in, and give up their passion, wasting away their talent, and losing the one thing that truly revives their souls and refreshes their passion for life. End result: a hopeless demotivated man.


Should you encourage your man to quit his job and follow his dream?

It depends on the situation, but no, not necessarily. Sometimes passions should be kept as a side hobby, sometimes when one follows his dream job it ends up eventually being a routine job, which makes it lose its magical effect of that person, and there goes the passion. Itโ€™s also possible that your man has so much passion for one thing that no matter how hard he tries he will never excel in, or at least it would never be sufficient in paying the bills. Keeping his passion as a side hobby, beside a โ€œrealโ€ job might be a smart move, at least till he finds a way to make his dream job kick off into a successful path.

Does that mean if he gets a good opportunity you should shut him down?

You need to be smart about it. You need to know that if an opportunity arises and you influence him into ignoring that opportunity, it might bite you back hard, he might very possibly hate you for the rest of your lives just because you hinted some day that he should not follow his dream. When an opportunity arises, show your faith in him, talk to him gently about the possibilities of success and failures, weigh the pros and cons without stressing on your fears that he might fail, and let him take the final decision knowing that no matter what he decides on you will always be there to support him; he needs to know you have his back.

When should you encourage him to follow his dream and take the risk?

If he really excels in his talent to a noticeable extent, and there are rising opportunities, or at the very least he has a great plan, determination, and ย potential to make it work. If this is the case he will need you right there with him, he will need your mental, emotional, and physical support. You need to figure out what type of support he needs, it might be as simple as keeping the kids away, or giving him an empty room to work in, or as complex as helping him research or even being too tight on money and barely meeting ends, think The Pursuit Of Happiness. It wonโ€™t be easy, so stay strong, and endure the expected bumpy road.

Why Should You Endure This?

If everyone gets to do what they really love, everyone would be working with so much passion, and the whole world would be so different to an extreme, in a good sense ofcourse. For an artist to walk into an exhibition, its reviving, you breathe better, itโ€™s just right. Same goes for everyone; the sense of achievement is far more rewarding to the soul than turning off your brain and working as a machine, and doing what you have to do just because you have to do it. If your man is able to do that with your help,

Be Aware…

Support your man, but donโ€™t give up on yourself in the process. Many women who decide to live the struggle with their man forget themselves in the midst of it all, lose their identity, and become simply a person who is there to support this man. Most women who do this end up angry and bitter at the life they lost, and at many points feeling unappreciated for the sacrifices they have done and for the things they gave up. Itโ€™s important to support your man with all your soul, but itโ€™s equally (if not more important) to realize what you yourself want from life and work on making it happen.
