By Malak Naguib

Having doubts about your relationship? This might help you see things more clearly.

-They donโ€™t bring out the best in you (or vice versa): You should want to be with a partner that brings out the best in you and makes you want to be the best possible version of yourself. You should also do the same for them. Successful relationships are ones where both partners feel like the other inspires them to be better and make them so happy and comfortable in their own skin, that it shows in their attitude and behavior. If you find that they constantly bring out the worst side of you, maybe it’s time to assess things and see where the problem is.

-They donโ€™t support your dreams and goals (or vice versa): It means a lot when your partner understands and supports your dreams. However small or different your goals may be, you should both help and encourage each other towards achieving them. Support is a crucial element within any relationship. If you don’t have it and/or don’t give it, it’s time to think things over.

-Communication is not good: Communication is one of the most important things in a relationship. You should aim for honest, open and deep conversations. You should be able to listen to each other and have arguments and debates without turning them into fights. You should speak your mind. You should both express yourselves and hear each other out. Be tolerant of each other’s differences. If you’re not able to communicate well, there’s a big chance your relationship might not succeed.

-You fight too often: Let’s get one thing straight; all couples argue. The best of them might even have a few fights here and there. What matters is how they deal with it and what they do to make it better. If you find that your relationship is basically a never-ending trail of fights, you should probably reconsider the whole thing. Fighting should not be the main event in a relationship. If you’re the “3alatoul benetkhane2” couple, it’s time to pause and put things into perspective.

-One (or both) of you feel(s) like youโ€™re not loved enough by the other: It’s a given that you need to love your partner and feel like it’s reciprocal. You should focus on giving them as much love as you can. If they’re not appreciative of it or are constantly giving you less than you deserve, you should probably consider moving on. The same applies to when you are giving them less than they deserve.

-You hold opposite beliefs about fundamental concepts in life: Intellectual conversations about conflicting views are always interesting, and we all think/believe different things. However, if you find that you have completely different views about crucial things in life, it may cause some problems on the long run because you’d probably disagree on major things and that would make it difficult to find solid ground on which you build your life together.