Who doesnโ€™t love traveling, going from place to place, exploring new cultures and seeing different people? Some of us would rather spend every penny on traveling, never having our wanderlust quenched or our curiosity stifled.


Iโ€™ve always wonderedย why nothing ever makes me happier than traveling. The moment the plane takes off or the engine of a car is started, I cannot contain the surging joy that fills me entirely.


According to studies that have focused on traveling and human migration, it has been found that 20% of the populationย carries a gene associated with restlessness and curiosity, named DRD4-7R.


DRD4-7R is a variation of the gene DRD4, which can basically affect the dopamine levels in the brain and can thus affect motivation and general behaviour.


The gene, DRD4-7R, has been recently referred to as โ€œThe Wanderlust Geneโ€ in a tongue-in-cheek manner by the more witty fellows of the internet.ย  Though it is not a common gene, it has been found to be embedded more in those who grew up in cultures whereย travel was historically more encouraged.


What are the characteristics associated with this gene? Well, its carriers are thought to be more creative and resourceful, yet their constant restlessness may lead them to be a bit erratic and out of control.


A study conducted by David Dobbs, of National Geographic, reached the conclusion that carriers of DRD4-7R are more likely to โ€œtake risks; explore new places, ideas, foods, relationships, drugs, or sexual opportunities and generally embrace movement, change and adventure.โ€


So there you go, now you understandย why you oftenย daydream about getting your hands on a one-way ticket to an unknown destination. Hold on though, before you rush out of here; do take a second to think aboutย your decision. Oh, who am I kidding? Excuse me while I go plan my next trip!