Nowadays, the comments section of a post can be just as interesting as the actual post itself. It’s become a circus with all the different kinds of people on it. And just to prove how crazy that section is, here are all the types of people you may run into while scrolling through comments: 

1- The Troll

This is definitely the most despised of all the commentators; he’s usually just commenting to anger others and wind them up. The reason he’s called a troll is because he’s the troublemaker of the comments section.giphy3

2- The Liker Leech

This person is just in it for the most likes; his/her comment begins with the phrase “Like this if you…” Sometimes, it’s gotten to the point of ridiculousness with the “Like this comment for no reason” or “Like this if you’re reading this in 2016.” The liker leech is just after the most likes so that they always remain in the top comments.73Mgg8

3- The Follower Fail

These are the kinds of people who comment on a post with a “.” or “F” so that they can receive notifications for a post. What they don’t know though, is that there’s an actual button on the top right of the post that allows you to follow a post without looking like an idiot.giphy1

4- Mr. Meme

Meet Mr. Meme! Able to comment on any post with the appropriate image or pop culture reference. He knows all the memes, has a prepared meme response for every post and is ready to dish them out at any point in time.Comments

5- The Fact Checker

This person is aware of everything. They’re not just grammar Nazis; they’re also a living Encyclopedia Britannica. If you write a post about how dolphins hear up to 150 kHz in sound frequency, they’ll immediately comment on the post and say it’s “150.457292347 3ala fekra”. This leaves you wondering how they even knew that and what the point was from correcting the post to begin with?Its-Leviosa-not-leviosar-Hermione-Granger-GIF

6- The Socrates

This person is ready to philosophize on every post about why they don’t agree with it, using a flawed system of logic and a bunch of assumptions and grand generalizations. What makes things worse is the amount of likes this person might get just because they wrote something that sounded logical and smart.ExA0bXL

7- The Activist 

They are the revolutionaries of the commenting world. They want to raise riot and disagree against the post by any means possible. They’re ready to revolt against any and every post.when-you-enter-an-internet-argument_o_755674

8-  The Tagger 

I am guilty of being this person myself; I tag my friends in everything and write “This is so you!!!!”. If you do this, you’re totally a member of the circus that is, the comments section.friendgif

9- The Sales Person

This is an automatically generated comment. It usually starts with “I made 5000$ on Google working from home; here’s how you can do it too! Click here”. These are usually scams and will probably take your money rather than make you money.scam

Are there any more types you can think of? If anything, the comments section has shown us how a lot of different people can co-exist in one post. It might not be exactly a good thing but they’re definitely fun to read! jLZz4Na