Friends taking photos using smart phone

To all the good friends out there, we are blessed to have you in our lives. It is easy to get caught up and forget to express how much we owe you, so this is for you…

Here’s to friends who listen to us, and don’t just give advice or make it all about them.

Here’s to friends who don’t try to change us, to turn us into the versions they like, but accept and enjoy us as we are.

Here’s to friends who don’t hold grudges, but forgive because they know we all do stupid mistakes.

Here’s to friends who are happy that you call after a long absence, and don’t act indifferent. And the catching up starts.

Here’s to friends who aren’t a weight on your shoulder, but a shoulder to lean on.

Here’s to friends who are our advocates when we’re not there, even when they are mad at us, even when we’re driving them crazy.

Here’s to friends who give you the benefit of the doubt, not just jump to conclusions.

Here’s to friends you can tell anything and everything, because you know they won’t judge you.

Here’s to friends who you can show your deepest fears, who you can invite behind your wall, because you know they will provide strength.

Here’s to friends who make a point to get to know your significant other, because they know how much this will mean to you.

Here’s to friends who boost your self-esteem, and don’t let your insecurities bring you down.

Here’s to friends who are gently honest to you, they are straight forward but they don’t hit where they know it will hurt.

Here’s to friends who are your source of positive energy, they know how to cheer you up, and won’t let you leave until you’re happier.

Here’s to friends who know how to keep our stress in check, who know how to calm us, and tell us that it is going to be alright.

Here’s to friends who help you be the best version of yourself, who will tell you your flaws and how to work on them in order for you to be happier, not so that they would like you better.

Here’s to friends who don’t let us ruin our friendship with other people, they interfere and try to make things better.

Here’s to friends who are fair, even when they are wrong, they admit it.

Here’s to friends who get that sometimes we need our alone time, and they don’t take it personally.

Here’s to friends who are there during good and bad times, they’re always there through all of our peaks and valleys.


Here’s to my good friends.