Fast response to calls and texts

He’s available and doesn’t play the I’m ‘busy’game

He proposes things for you two to do  

When in a group outing he acts like it’s just the two of you there

Will easily introduce you to his friends

He likes stuff on your Facebook/Instagram even from a while ago

His compliments ring true to who you really are

Tries to be closer to you physically no matter what you’re doing

He would call you when he is upset

Everything is exciting when you are together

Honest about his past

Doesn’t mind acting goofy around you

His eyes sparkle when he looks at you

Gets you gifts without an occasion

He listens when you talk

Encourages you to pursue your passions and dreams

Notices when something is different with your look

Will talk about introducing you to his family

Randomly texts you to see what you’re doing

Talks about and includes you in his future plans