I have absolutely no doubt that the only thing worse than the stretch marks during pregnancy is the bad parenting advice! Between the always-ready-to-share, been-there-done-that mothers, and well.. your mother-in-law, you get lost between the tremendous amount of information that you hear. You also get lost between what one mother swore worked for her baby and the other insisting it had not! What’s even worse is that you never know what to believe and therefore resort to books. BUT.. what one book states, another completely contradicts. So yeah, you pretty much feel like you’re screwed! The thing is, you are not. You just need to focus on a few things that will make you feel more relaxed.

1. Listen to your instincts

Don’t get caught up on following any rules you have read or heard. For example, if your baby is hungry FEED HIM! Who cares if it has only been two hours when you have read that you should wait for three?! Trust yourself with your baby.

2. Listen to your baby’s cues

Yes, your baby pretty much doesn’t do anything but cry but you can always guess what it is he wants from the tone of his crying. Again, trust yourself and your guesses. Most of the time, they are spot-on!

3. Be prepared for anything

Don’t freak out! Sometimes you might be faced with a situation where your child needs your full attention and support not your cries for help. Be prepared for anything and try to learn from previous occurrences.

4. Take time for your partner

Just because things are somewhat different now, this does not mean you get to ignore your spouse and not give you both your private time. He is aware things have changed and for the time being your attention will not be the same; however, you need to make some time for yourselves even if it is for an hour or two at night.

5. Don’t forget to make time for yourself

Never forget that you have an obligation to yourself. Have some time to pamper yourself, eat healthy, try to workout even for 15 minutes at home while your child is asleep and ALWAYS remember to sleep well.