Social Media Break

You’re not feeling it, are you? Although basically nothing is going on, everything is just too exhausting these days. Even social media, our sole refuge from the world, is taking a toll on us now!

Yeah. Can’t say you’re too surprised about that, right? If you’ve been on any single social media app, then you already know things are literally just too hectic on every platform and we really need a break from that.

No, honestly, we’re not joking. We do actually need that break and if you’ve been having any of these 5 signs, well, then you need a break too.

You cannot bring yourself to look at anything on any app – especially if it’s a long post/thread

So, here’s how it goes these days. You go on Twitter and you see a lot of tweets headlined by a trigger warning and you can’t bring yourself to read. You go to Facebook and you find the same thing and it’s all the same in most apps.

Don’t get us wrong, we’re really not part of the “bring back the memes to divert important topics” crowd. It’s just that knowing that you’ll be reading about extremely graphic situations no one should have ever experienced really takes a toll on your mental health.

You’re constantly stressed out

Look, 2020 has been…well, one hell of a year and it’s only half-way through and we’ve been on lock-down for basically half of it.

We truly had nothing to turn to but social media and because a lot is going on in the world right now, well, we’re constantly stressed out and we’re always online adding to that stress.

At some point, your anxiety levels will get the best of you, so taking breaks is important.

You’re relieved when a day passes without seeing bad news

It’s honestly a miracle when a day goes by and you don’t hear of something horrendously awful happening either in Egypt or somewhere else. And the relief we feel when days like these happen should be concerning.

Can you imagine living like this? Always on edge because you just know you’ll see something that will ruin your entire day (or week, depending on how awful)?

You’re always drained

In some not-so-breaking news, we’re here to say that if you’re always online and you’re always on social media apps, you’ll be risking being extremely drained for a while.

We can’t put our finger on why exactly but we judge it’s also due to the extreme misery found on every single site.

You just can’t keep up with the bad news…and sometimes, it gets worse

See, sometimes you don’t even care. And that’s horrifying because you’ve just become desensitized to reading about bad things happening to the point where it doesn’t even impact you anymore.

Naturally, we don’t need to explain just why that’s a bad thing but it really goes to show, that breaks from the online sphere are a necessity these days.

Taking a break is really the best thing you can do for yourself right now.