woman thowing a bucket of water at her partner

Every couple argues, but these words will turn a spat into an all-out-war. Some things are really better left unsaid.


โ€œWe need to talkโ€

If you do need to talk, it should be, โ€œCan we talk?โ€ Itโ€™s an invitation to discuss, not a declaration of war.


โ€œYouโ€™re just like your father/motherโ€

When you say this, you are probably talking about your father-in-lawโ€™s bad traits, rather than his good qualities. Besides not seeing your partner for who he really is, this type of statement will immediately make him take on the defensive.


โ€œIโ€™m not upsetโ€

Really? If you are not upset, then why are you making snappy remarks, slamming the door, putting your partner down and pretending that he does not exist? Itโ€™s better to talk about whatโ€™s bothering you and try to control your emotions.


โ€œItโ€™s all your fault!โ€

Come on! We all know itโ€™s rarely one partnerโ€™s fault in a relationship. Itโ€™s not fair to put all the blame on them; recognize your own faults and mistakes as well.ย 


โ€œEveryone warned me about youโ€

Then why are you dating them? If you chose to neglect all the bad comments your friends and family said about your partner, then itโ€™s all on you now. Youโ€™re the only one to blame.


โ€œYou did the same thing last timeโ€

Little fights and arguments become big ones when we bring them up over and over again. Let go of all your previous fights and concentrate on the present and the future.ย 


โ€œYou alwaysโ€ฆโ€ย 

This is a very selfish thing to say. You want to have them understand how the pattern of what they do or say impacts you and the relationship so that together you can change it.
