So there I was having a perfectly normal conversation with a co-worker when, all of a sudden, she went allย astrological on me.

There wereย no warning signs at all. She had no dangly zodiac earrings nor a zodiac necklace hanging around her neck. We were just talking for several minutes about something in her life, going over the various sides to it and enjoying the typical give-and-take that accompanies a nice chat.ย Then she looked like “THAT” in my head.


“I really see both sides of an issue, so I have a hard time having a strong opinion,” she said. “I blame it on my sign.”

For the record, this girl is a Virgo. For those of you saying, “Well, of course she’s a Virgo; she has a hard time having a strong opinion,” I have a question for you: Aren’t there boundaries for when you bring up astrology into normal conversations?


The words “horoscope” and “horoscopes” have always been among the most searched words on Google, so I get that people really love horoscopes.

But do followers of astrology really say things like, “…then I discovered he was a Capricorn and, well, I still haven’t found my phone.”


For those of us who think astrology is silly and even a little foolish, and I suspect we’re in the minority, it’s not that big of a deal when somebody you know isย kind of an astrology freak.

It wouldn’t have surprised me one bit if President “Sisi” had said, “I looked into his heart; he’s a good man. Plus, he’s a Libra,”ย about Russian President “Putin”.


When people I know and like start using astrology in the middle of a general conversation, it’s a little weird. Am I really supposed to followย what they’re saying?

Let’s assumeย you’re a Libra..hmm… I am, what a great example then, right? For just a minute, say you missed a meeting because you tripped inย a puddle of water, got all muddy and of course you had to go home and change. You couldn’t very well go to your meeting like that now, could you? Was this your fault? of course NOT! It was because Mercury was in retrograde and Leo was lapping your VA JAY JAY. How could you possibly make it to your meeting? What about the presentation that didn’t go so well the other day? Was that your fault? I think NOT; it was because Scorpio was too damn close to Virgo, whileย Aquarius and Mars were playing around Capricorn…. How could that possibly be my fault?


You see, I am a big believer in horoscopes. I believe that stars control our destiny….. or NOT! Anyways,ย they are always a good enough reason for explainingย our most embarrassing and odd moments.