Contributed by Hania Abdel Hameed;ย Any contributions can be sent to

The concept of love stipulatesย that you don’t choose who you fall for; you simply fall in love with someone. And it’s all about falling for the odd ones, the ones you least expect to fall for and that is when the challenge comes. The challenge of accepting and compromising for one another, the challenge of loving the things you don’t like the most about the person you fell for.

You love them as they are with all their flaws and imperfections. Fighting to keep things going and fighting to accept the most horrible faults in that person, not choosing the easy way and fighting to change them, to change who they are, to change the person you actually fell for.

If you try to change them, here is where the conflict comes, when the person actually tries to change and you suddenly lose interest because you don’t see or get what you came here for. And the person keeps trying their best to change and trying their best to bend and reshape themselves till all the flexibility dies in them and then you go back to where you started because that person won’t change anymore. That person reached the best they could do and you destroyed it all.

I see that love is about taking the one you fell for as they are because that is when love glows the most and that is when love lasts forever.