Love is an infinite thing. It’s vast, intangible and includes an array of emotions. We live our entire lives unknowingly in search for it. Once a person comes to terms with the fact that there are many kinds of love, they will know that the central focus on romantic love is ridiculous and misleading. People focus too much on the romantic form of love and fall into this rabbit hole that warns them to find a partner before it’s too late. More often than not, relationships fail because one of the two parties has put all their hopes on the love they had for the other person and forgot to grow individually. They realize that they’re two people who went on a long journey together without ever traveling solo first. Career-love is a condition for romantic love that lasts.

People need to find themselves beyond the bounds of a romantic relationship, because it doesn’t necessarily have to be what defines our sense of self. Our sense of identity should come from within us. Why do we have a holiday celebrating romantic love and no one celebrating career love? To fall in love with your career is one of life’s greatest blesses. The ride to get there will be jarring and unsettling, but learning to fall in love with what you do and the behaviors you exhibit will help you shape and keep better relationships in the future.

Loving you career should come before loving another human being. First of all, it’s what feeds you. It’s what drives you to focus and form a formidable personality. It pushes you out of your comfort zone and raises your self-esteem. Human beings underestimate the feeling of self-worth and self-realization. When a person knows that they’re contributing to the world and advancing life’s progress even by the smallest means, it gives them satisfaction because they stand for something. Your career will never leave you hanging hot and dry. You will always have a safety net to fall back on. It could be your happy place; the place you build yourself a cocoon and discover yourself and capabilities.

Falling in love with your career gives you energy and builds your character. Without having at least one aspect in your life where you know you excel at it, you will always underrate yourself. With a strong career, you have a reason to fight back and you will always know how to get back on your feet when the going gets tough. Choosing to fall in love with your career before immersing yourself in another human being makes you independent and more emotionally strong. It makes you differentiate between being with a person for the sake of needing them and choosing to be with a person because you want them.

So before you immerse yourself in that firework display of infatuation people feel on dates and with S/O, remember that sustaining career love and sinking into a nourishing work environment will offer you a companion for a lifetime.