Texting is the official way of communication for the young folks as we all know. Even though it’s just a couple of words, you could express your feelings, and show your attitude, very easily.

Showing a bitchy attitude when your texting could be easy for some, or even unintentional, but for many they struggle to simply wipe the floor with someone over a text. Being a naturally bitchy person, I was assigned by my boss to share my bitchy knowledge with everyone. You’re welcome, everybody.

The classic “K”


Let’s start with the classics. Nothing is more aggravating then receiving a simple “K” after someone sends you a 5 paragraphs text, including a fully studied hypothesis. The K shows that you really don’t give a crap about anything they said, and you’re intentionally showing that you don’t care.

The smiling emoticon


Another classic, the smiley. It’s basically the texting equivalent to saying no offence, then offending someone. You could really get away with almost anything if you end it with a J

Excessive use of pet names

From sweetie, to babe, to sugar, to doll, the list goes on and on. If they’re not talking to someone you’re close with, these terms are straight up offensive and insulting. This is an effective way to be bitchy without having anything taken against you.

Talk about how great you are

Working in the fashion industry, we sometimes are forced to deal with people who have egos bigger than Jupiter. We usually get the “Don’t you know who I am?” texts, and the “I’m an international f***ing photographer!” Mostly we receive these texts for no reason other than them wanting to wear the pants in the conversation.

Make someone feel like sh*t, intentionally

This is especially efficient when it comes to relationships and/or work. “I didn’t work that hard for you to screw it up for me!” The best way to making the person feel like a useless pile of crap, but you still have a point in what you’re saying and they can’t say anything back.

Sarcasm followed by …

Something as simple as “sure” or “of course” and the “…” after someone clearly make something up, or is being simply stupid, is the bitchiest move a person could do over text. Lets not forget stuff like “whatever floats your boat” and “if it makes you sleep at night.”

Bite the hand that feeds you

This works through text and real life as well, be a total bitch to the ones who made you who you are. Again, in our industry, we could adopt a starter and make a name for them, then when we ask them for work, they simply reply with “I’m extremely busy, I can’t work with you” or “What’s the quotation? (Payment)” That really is the ultimate bitchiness!

Or just keep it simple with one emoji…
