The first birthday wish that comes to mind as soon as you’ve turned 17 is to get your driving license and be officially able to sit behind the wheels.

I, for one, never joined any driving schools to learn how to drive; my dad, some friends and relatives did the job. Now, I can finally drive on my own after I got my license.

It came as a shock to me when I realized that I had learned nothing about driving in the hectic streets of Cairo. Lately, I’ve discovered that there are certain rules to be followed in order to get your “Egyptian” driving license. They can simply be described as follows:

*Never Use the Turn Signals, Use Your Hands Instead:


In Cairo, you don’t need to use your turn signals before making a turn. You can simply stretch your arms out of the window along with some other  offensive fingers gestures to let other drivers around you know you’re changing lane or directions.

*Insult Fellow Drivers Using Your Car Horn ‘Kalax’

use the kalax to insult others (1)

Many impatient drivers will honk at the car in front of them using the ‘kalax’ or flash their car lights to insult other drivers. All you need is just a couple of days training to master this technique!

*Fix Your Broken Car In the Middle of the Street:

fix in the middle of street


Sometimes, people are being rushed to hospital, some desperately need the toilet, others may be late for work while this guy is defiantly changing his flat tires the middle of the road! If you tried to understand why he’s blocking the traffic, you may hear the famous Egyptian request “ta3ala zo2”. In many cases, this situation has not ended well.


*Use Your Forecasting Skills to Predict Other Drivers’ Unexpected Actions:

use forecasting science


This talent largely depends on your common sense and your experience in driving around the manic Cairo streets as you constantly need to predict how other drivers may react on the road, otherwise you’re at great risk of causing or facing a fatal accident.

*Don’t Leave Space Between Your Car and Others:

dont keep spaces


Always drive bumper to bumper to reach your destination faster, getting as close as you possibly can to the car in front of you!!

*Never Disclose Your Intentions:

never disclose ur intentions

Always keep your surprises a secret and your actions unexpected.

Finally, Remember “survival is to the most powerful”:


Use all your weapons to win this battle and get back home safely.