Every girl has a way around her; although they are individually unique yet
mostly share the same mentality.


Flirt, Flirt and FLIRT! Most girls love it when you fool around and sweet talk them especially if you really mean what you say. Be cheesy, be romantic be everything she ever wanted you to be. Show her she means the world to you; that your world literally revolves around her. Surely, you mustโ€™ve tried that before, havenโ€™t you?

Spend Time With Her
Iโ€™m pretty sure you have many guy friends who are probably way more fun and less dramatic than your potential partner, but as long as you donโ€™t wish to remain single for the rest of your miserable sorry life, you might consider giving her a little more attention. Share your hobbies together but be careful not to fall into the trap of getting too involved in her feminine world otherwise you might find yourself becoming too familiar with her girly girl stuffโ€ฆ NEWS FLASH: itโ€™s not for guys!

SEND HER Cute Messages
You can be as adorable as much as you like but donโ€™t go all crazy sending 4 texts a minute and freaking the hell out of herโ€ฆ Too much of anything is just too much.

Make Her Feel At Home
Make her feel safe around you. Be entertaining and funny but not too sarcastic; be protective but not narrow-minded; be fair and tolerant; girls love guys who treat them as equals. And let her go shopping with your sister or have lunch with your mother and sheโ€™s officially yours; congratulations youโ€™re married now!

Share Your Problems With Her
Girls love to feel they are part of your life; share your problems with her even if you know she probably canโ€™t help you. She will truly know youโ€™re serious about her when you start involving her in your family/work problems.

For girls, gifts are indicative of how much you love and appreciate them. During the predating phase, they will wait for any occasion to know how much they really mean to you. Be smart, donโ€™t be too cheap but donโ€™t be too extravagant eitherโ€ฆ Try to buy or make a personal or a customized gift; she will appreciate how much you went out of your way for her.

If youโ€™re really into her, youโ€™ll make sure to do whatever it takes to keep her by your side and cherish her forever.