Since the fashion industry has recently been blooming in the region,ย Identity has decided to select and acknowledge an individual who has influenced fashion in the Middle East every month. Weย find this to be a great opportunity to inspireย Middle Eastern fashion individuals, from fashion designers, to models, photographers, stylists, bloggers, and everyone in between.


Randa El Sherif is a kid fashion designer specialized in littleย girls’ and boys’ fashion clothes. Sheโ€™s also the nameย behind Dancy Rancy. Randa has a bachelor’s degree in business studies but she always had the passion for fashion designing. Back then, there were very few fashion academies in Egypt but she eventually enrolled in an academy downtown where sheย completed herย diploma. Right before her graduation, the academy offered her a teaching position. She always dreamedย to haveย her own collection and wanted it to be unique and different. Thatโ€™s when children fashion designing came toย mind. Four years ago, she started Dancy Rancy with her partner Nancy and henceย came the name.

Until now, Randa made fourย collections. Here favorite was the first one because it was the hardest. She had to study child anatomy and fashion in great detailย to get things right.

Dancy Rancyโ€™s first priority is to promote happyย children whoย value themselves and grow to be good confident grown ups for tomorrow. The aim is to let them shine inย a perfect fit dress to know what it’s like to be the best version of themselves, praise their appearance with a good looking piece, introduce them toย a lifetime of good taste and let their pictures evoke pleasant memories of their childhood.

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