Your older brother might get on your nerves sometimes, make you the butt of his jokes or even demonstrate male dominance every now and then, nevertheless, having an older brother is still awesome! Here’s why:

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What is a man?

A girl’s older brother will give her an insight about the male physche. When the little sister starts to date, the older brother is always there to steer her in the right direction and help her navigate through a lot of early misconceptions that she may naturally have. As an older brother, he will always have advice on offer if his relationship with his sister is solid enough.


As a little sister, you’ve probably been through hell with all the pranks and games that boys play. Taught you something though, didn’t? Yes, it did. It taught you patience, one of life’s most important lessons. As the popular saying goes, “patience is a virtue.”


Of course, your older brother would not want any scrub of man to be your suitor. He would teach you what to expect from men, pointing you towards the type of man who would treat you as highly as he would expect for you. Furthermore, by noticing how he treats your mom or his own special one, you will set a standard to how you too would like to be treated.

Suck it up

It’s no secret that women are more likely to succumb to their emotions than their male counterparts, but with an older brother, you would’ve learned to keep your emotions in check, suck it up and move on.

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Having an older brother means you embraced competition at an early age. You always had to fight for something you wanted, whether it be the TV remote or that last slice of pizza. A skill that will become an asset as you try to succeed in any career path.

You and only you

Having an older brother means he taught how to take care of yourself and handle difficult situations. He would stand up for you in a heartbeat, but he needs to see if you can fend for yourself. When confronted, you would know how to deal with it yourself rather than run to his rescue.

How cool are you?

Having an older brother means you noticed his sense of style, which led to you to knowing what was cool before your time. This is always a benefit, because when you meet your own friends, you would show off all that cool knowledge you gained from your older brother.


You could always go to your brother for advice, after all, he’s already been through it all, most likely that is. Even though you have your father, it’s still not the same. Sometimes, there are tricky topics which you would much rather discuss with your brother than your old man.

There you have it. Are you feeling a little more thankful for your older brother now? I mean I’m not saying to let his shenanigans go unpunished, NO! If he pranks you, then you get yours back, but just appreciate all the good he does for you.