Girls we’ve all been there. You see “that name” pop up on your screen and you groan and roll your eyes before politely unlocking your phone and replying with something like, “Oh, hey, what’s up?” Just for the sake of being polite to a pretty nice but persistent guy.
Here are 11 thoughts you have whenย ‘that guy’ย slides into your Direct Messages:

Why Me? Why?

There are like how many other females in the world, why would you land on me?

Ok Just Be Nice.

OK, I can do this. One. Word. Sentences. (Or is that too harsh?)

Ok, Maybe if I just send a smiley face

Or maybe that smile just made things worse…

Should I text this to my best friend first to make sure it sounds okay?

I mean, if we’re going for this whole nice theme, I have to make sure I do it right. What if that emoji I almost sent was going to be “too friendly.”

Oh No! Oh No!

I guess that was “too friendly.”

Okay, regroup. We need to regroup!

There’s gotta be some way to get him back in the friend zone, right?

Breathe. Breathe!

OK, breathe, think, analyze and get back out there to friend zone this guy!

ย Ok, this sounds nice but not too nice, right?

This is definitely the right balance between nice and “I don’t really want anything to do with you.”

What is he going to say now?

Even though I’m not interested, the anticipation may kill me..

Wait, he said what?

Oh God, it’s worse than I thought.

UGHHH… Repeat process

well, you thought it would work out the second time you try to slide into my DMs. Please reconsider before wasting both our times.