Byย Nourhan Hatem

Have you ever thought about the good taking more time out for yourself can do? Itโ€™s hard to tell if solo travel is essential for some people to startย embarking onย a self-discovering journey ย but traveling alone certainly helps oneย gain a better understanding of who theyย really are.

Setting priorities. In this day and age, we often find ourselves overwhelmed with tasks that we need to do, ought to do, but we avoid doing. Solo travel sets you free! You have the freedom to set your own schedule, you have enough time to dig deeper and deeper until you realize what you really like to do not what society forces you to do and you can definitely set your priorities straight.

Gaining confidence. The little things that you will face along the way will help you grow more and more confident every day. Getting lost will terrify you at first but the next time youโ€™ll learn to better deal with it and you may evenย do it on purpose just for the pleasure it brings to you. Eventually, these little things will make you feel unstoppable; it will make you feel more confident than ever that youโ€™re doing just fine on your own.

Meeting new people. There are lots of people out there who are eager to get to know you. Traveling on your own motivates you to deal with the locals, get to know new people and make new friends. It will make you feel that you have a home, away from home, in many places all over the world.

Learning new things. Being on your own doesnโ€™t mean that youโ€™re alone; it allows you to clear your mind, develop new habits, and learn new languages and interesting things about different cultures and religions. The part youโ€™ll love the most is learning new things about yourself that you never had the time or space to learn before.

Finding a new perspective. Removing yourself from the world for a while allows you to see the world differently, which leads you to maintaining a more accurate perception. Youโ€™ll differentiate your-real-self from all the thoughts flying in your head. Youโ€™ll get the chance to be dreamy and set your goals; you might even choose a new path for your life.

Becoming independent. Traveling alone reflectsย your independence; it forces you to become less dependent on others. Youโ€™ll learn to take care of yourself because if you donโ€™t no one else will and youโ€™ll learn to stop basing your happiness on others. Some days, youโ€™ll spend a lot of money whichย youโ€™ll probably regret laterย and youโ€™ll learn how to budget and save. Youโ€™ll also learn to adjust yourself to the surrounding environment and not the opposite.

Experiencing life on your own. The only drawback is the absence of those who you can share your experience, ups and downs with. Yet, distancing yourself from the people you love is healthy. You cherish their existence, miss them like never before and stop taking them for granted. And youโ€™ll learn how to experience life with all its ups and downs on your own.


Traveling alone canย probably be the most rewarding thing youโ€™ll ever do. Youโ€™ll feel like a totally different person than the one you were yesterday. You will believe in yourself. You will depend on yourself. When needed, you will be able to simply sit in silence and enjoy your ownย company. Whenever you get the chance to step into the world of solo travel, DO IT and get ready for a unique, self-building, exciting life experience.