Falling in love is a tremendous experience, but no stage of it can compare to the โ€œhoneymoon phase.โ€ Itโ€™s the state of being infatuated and in the throes of what the researchers call fervent love. It’s a condition of zealous longing, desire, and attraction. But alas, in time the butterflies wear off, the passion starts to dwindle, and the cute sweet nothings sound, well, less cute and sweet. You find your relationship morphing into a less impassioned blend of affection and connection. Scientifically, this is a normal and expected shift, so you shouldn’t worry. Here’s how to beat the post honeymoon blues.

1.Take the Advantage of Surprise

Familiarity doesnโ€™t breed disdain but it definitely breeds indifference, so keeping the mystery alive is key. Couples who participate in compelling activities together report greater satisfaction in their relationships than those who engage in pleasant but typical activities. When something novel occurs, we tend to pay attention to appreciate the experience and remember it. So always throw your partner for a loop.

2. Donโ€™t Revolve Your Worlds Around Each Other

Your partner should definitely be a big part of your life, he or she is your other half after all. But centering your world on the other is the fastest way to kill any passion between both of you. Make time for your work, friends, and hobbies, and let your partner do the same. The effort to steal some time from your busy lives for each other is what will keep things special and interesting. Thatโ€™s how you spice things up.

3. Go On a Date

Sounds cheesy, right? Maybe, but there are no rules against long term couples going out on dates. Itโ€™s not the outing itself that will do the magic, but the side benefits that come with it, such as dressing up to dazzle each other like you did when you first got together.

4. Never Take Your Relationship for Granted

You should never fear losing your partner because youโ€™re imperfect, not so good looking, or even ordinary. What should scare you is failing to make them happy. Thatโ€™s a good reason to be scared, and its only cure is by never taking your partner for granted. Imagine that everyday you will wake up with only the things that you are grateful for. Only then will you count your blessings.

5. Have More than One Relationship but with the Same Person

As you move through time in your relationship, allow yourself to notice whatโ€™s new and beautiful about your partner. Not only will this feel good to you, but it will also support your partner in becoming the best person they can be. In doing so, love renews itself, and it will make you feel as though youโ€™re having many relationships, only with the very same person. Lucky you.

Itโ€™s a challenging task, but as they say, nothing worth having comes easy.