Menstrual leave

Last week, Al Shorouk Newspaper published an article addressing a movement initiated by a group of women activists seeking the implementation of a “menstrual leave” system in Egypt, and it opened a flood of sexist and derogatory comments.

Considering how menstrual leave has been implemented in several countries across the globe, it seems valid that someone suggests it here too.

However, the comment section of the Facebook post in which Al Shorouk posted their article seemed to strongly disagree, and by disagree, I mean degrade and insult all womankind.

You thought you saw the ugliest sexist brains have to offer? Think again!

Even though it’s a natural and biological matter that affects WOMEN, the commentators on the post were almost exclusively men. And needless to say they did not hold back.

We tried to gather the least disturbing and most appropriate comments. However, kindly be warned; the content below could cause your blood pressure to rise to dangerous levels. 

To some, this represented a golden opportunity for “humor”.

Menstrual leave

Menstrual leave

Menstrual leave Menstrual leave Menstrual leave Menstrual leave

Are you laughing yet? Because we are NOT! 

Others didn’t think twice before they bluntly insulted and downgraded all women and to the lowest point imaginable.

Calling them “special needs creatures”…

Menstrual leave

A majority seemed to agree that working women are quite an “inconvenience” to society because they’re taking opportunities away from males.

Menstrual leave Menstrual leave Menstrual leave Menstrual leave

Menstrual leave

Counter thought: if a woman is finding better opportunities, it could be because she is, I don’t know… more qualified than you?

It would be better to save the energy you are spending on finding excuses for your failure on the entire womankind and put it to good use like, maybe, developing your own self.

And of course, can’t forget about the good ol’ ‘slut shaming’…

Menstrual leave

Menstrual leave Menstrual leave Menstrual leave

Menstrual leave

The word “scandal” seems to be some sort of a theme.

A question though; Are any of them aware that this ‘scandal’ had a big hand in creating them?

Countries with Menstrual Leave

People were shocked and appalled by the idea, but surprise surprise, this is not some kind of an invention. Menstrual leave is a thing and it has been for years, in several countries.

Some of the countries that implemented the menstrual leave law are Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia and China.

So for those who think that a menstrual leave law is a way to slack off, or a nail in the country’s coffin, some of the most developed countries in the world are applying this law.

For people who always whine about not being like more developed countries, we seem to be resisting progress in every possible way!

As for the slut shaming and derogatory comments and minds who consider women and their menstrual cycles to be an inconvenience or a disability that makes women less human, let me give you a gentle reminder; this “disability” is responsible for creating life, your life.

Therefore, it puts women in a higher status not the opposite, and yes, for that she does deserve a day off. More importantly, she deserves your respect, it is her right, not a privilege.


Update (1-4-2019): Thankfully, there was a silver lining after this horrific cloud. Egyptian company Shark and Shrimp took initiative and was the first company in the country to implement a menstrual leave system for their female employees.

We are proud of Shark and Shrimp and truly hope more companies follow their example and be considerate to their female employee’s needs.