Almost two years ago, I wrote an article about the wrong love advice girls pass to each other, because hey, someone had to say something about it ladies!ย Our sisterhood is based on the power of the white lie.

8 Wrong Love Advices Girls Pass To Each Other

Now, I don’t know if it’s something in the water, or wise aliens have taken over us, or simply we have allย suddenly grown up, but a big share of girls have quit being naive and started giving damn good advice when it comes to relationships. So to be fair, I felt like I had to write about the topic once more, but this time to praise the ladies.

Here are the 10 best love adviceย girls pass to each other:


#1ย “Every couple has the right to make their own rules. As for the rest… Stay out of it.”

#2 “When youย two are arguing, rememberโ€”itโ€™s you and him VS the problem. Not you VS him.”

#3ย “Marry the one who gives you the same feeling you get when you see food coming at a restaurant.” (I love this one)

#4ย “Stop trying to find the right person and start trying to BE the right person.” (This friend loves you so much)

#5 “Say you’re sorry fast. Mean it. Say it once. If you screw up, as you undoubtedly will, own it, and apologize. But only do it once. Make it a good apology.”ย 

#6ย “The person who cares least in the relationship has the most control… that might be true. But being in control isn’t being happy.”

#7 “Just because you love each other does not mean that youโ€™re good together long-term.”ย (The ugly truth, but only a friend who cares about you will say it to your face)

#8 “Just because someone doesnโ€™t love you the way you want them to doesnโ€™t mean they donโ€™t love you with all they’ve got.”ย 

#9 “Lose your ‘type.’ Don’tย dismiss too many possible matches because they donโ€™t match your checklist. Be open to explore people, even the ones who are so different from you.ย The saying โ€œopposites attractโ€ is a well-known quote for a reason.”

#10ย “This is the person you love. He is not perfect, learn to deal with his imperfection, not change him into the version you like.”ย 


Well, theyย weren’t wrong when they said that your gals are yourย treasure.ย