You don’t have to hide it anymore, even if you’re a minority don’t be intimidated. Stand up and be proud and say it! “I’m not into super hero movies!!!” Yes, you’ll be met with lots of shocked “whaaaaaaaats” but at least you were brave enough to finally let it out after all of this time. Now be prepared for the barrage of confused people asking how you can’t like them, and what don’t you like about them, and insisting that you just must not know that you like them. Maybe you never thought of the reasons before, but just know that you are not alone. Here are some things you and other people like you can relate to:

  • It can be really scary to admit your true feelings. You hate it when people start judging you when they know how you really feel about superhero movies, it’s like you are the bad guy or something! They start saying things like “you lack imagination,” you didn’t have a good childhood, and people who like them are often offended by you saying it. You feel like a minority and that you need to defend yourself.



  • You get really bored when you try to watch one. Sure, you gave them a shot! But you just get bored.


  • You know the difference between Batman and Spider-Man buuuuuuuuuuuut….. That’s it. You know that Spider-Man is the nerd that got bit by a spider to become a very handsome super hero, Thor has a hammer, and Batman can fly but other than that nothing! Oh wait, Batman can’t even fly he only wears a bat costume.

batman can't fly

  • You can’t really understand the secret of them not changing their clothes ever!!! So do they even shower? Even if they’re super heroes, aren’t they humans after all who should still care about their hygiene?

batman showering

  • And if they never change their costumes, they could at least look nice and pick a decent outfit. But unfortunately they mostly look ridiculous. One could be a super hero without wearing a rubber outfit with their initial on it.


  • The only good thing about it is that at least they make you laugh. They’re rather comedic than heroic.


  • It never really made sense to you the whole super hero thing! They’re not really cartoons but again they’re not realistic movies either. Like how do they know that they are needed in a certain place? Plus they get away with things that normal people don’t get away with! Whatever they do it’s for a good cause…


  • If you’re dating someone, you might try not to bring this subject up in case it’s a dealbreaker for them.



At the end of the day, sometimes you really wish you liked them because you feel so left out when people discuss them in front of you. Or when everyone is dying to go see that new super hero movie and you don’t have the same excitement… at all. But you are who you are and you should just accept that you can’t, and probably don’t want to, change this part about you.