In your mind, it seems so simple. You just need to finish some basic documents about your life and then you can move on with the world. It should only take one, maybe two, visits to the right offices with a few stamps and ba da bing, ba da boom, you’re on your way. But this Egypt. And it never happens that way. You end up getting sent to seventeen wrong offices and then waiting in line for what seems like your entire life, only to be told you have to come back tomorrow. Again. What could those employees behind the counter possibly be doing that takes them so long?!

In the meantime, all we can do is try to make use of the hours of our lives that would be otherwise wasted. All this just waiting for them to finish what should have been simple, routine paperwork!

1. Get caught up on messages

Hilarious texting meme

First, you can get caught up on all those Whatsapp and Facebook messages you’ve been procrastinating on. You’re probably on your phone anyway.


2. Call your loved ones

Frog on phone gif

You can never do this too much, especially when stuck in the midst of Egyptian bureaucracy. You can never be sure you’ll make it out alive, or at least sane.

3. Paint your nails

Minions nail polish

You knew that emergency bottle of nail polish would come in handy!

4. Paint the nails of the person next to you

Because they’re not doing anything anyway.

5. Paint the nails of the employee

Family guy nails phone

Because they’re also probably not doing anything.

6. Get caught up on the news

Here’s your chance to become informed!


7. Write a dissertation about the inefficiency of bureaucracy

Don’t worry. You have the time.

8. Open a koshk


Next to your emergency nail polish, you should always carry a case of soda and Chipsy, for such moments as these. Just set up a stand right there in line! You might as well make some money while you’re wasting your time away.
11. Learn how to knit

Knitting fail meme

Finally time to master those Pinterest projects you’ve always meant to.
12. Learn Japanese

If you make it out alive, you can show off the next time you go for sushi.

13. Build a time machine


Here you go, just fast forward to when you are first in line!

14. Write your will


Make sure to do this before they tell you to come back tomorrow, because you might have a stroke.