Friendships have the ability to bring joy, comfort and meaning to your life. But while some friendships are a total blessing, some are just too exhausting. We might have those friends whom we’ve known our entire lives who also cause us pain, but we can’t seem to cut them off.

As you’re reading this article, you might be in one of those friendships yourself. If you can relate, keep reading the telltale signs you’re in a toxic friendship!

They’re too dramatic

Friends are always entitled to a little drama. This is perfectly normal. But, when the least inconvenience on your part is always turned into a sob story, this is a major red flag.

Jealousy is their middle name

In friendships, a little competition won’t hurt anybody and can even be healthy. However, when you feel that your friend always crosses the line of jealousy and is often competitive or aggressive, be careful.

Their jealousy could also be directed to your other friends or lovers. They could get jealous you have a boyfriend or that you spend too much time (according to them) with your other friends!

You tiptoe around them

Another classic sign of toxicity is when you’re too conscious around this one friend. You find yourself avoiding certain topics or omitting some parts of a story, just to avoid their wrath.

They are energy suckers

Due to all the drama and emotional need, toxic friendships have the ability to leave you feeling drained and exhausted. This is the counter purpose of a friendship.

Friendships are supposed to be light and breezy. A safe haven you resort to when things are going downhill in your life. Definitely, not the other way around!

Emotional blackmailers

Toxic friends are most likely to withhold support, love and intimacy when they don’t get their way. If you did something they don’t like, missed their call or refused to gossip with them; they can instantly turn into your worst enemy. Their love is basically conditional!

That gut feeling

Do you ever get a cringe-feeling whenever this one friend’s name pops on your phone screen? Do you ever wait till the very last second to pick up, or do you usually ignore their calls altogether?

If you are able to relate to any of those signs, or if a certain name popped into your head while reading, it might be time to reconsider things.

Friends are supposed to add to your life not take away from it. We know the decision to cut off a friend is never easy, but believe us, if this friend is evidently toxic then it’s totally worth it!