99.9% of Egypt’s females would kill to achieve a “toned” physique with fairly muscular legs, so they attend spinning classes to magically gift them their dream. Sorry, but someone has to break that down: Weight lifting and high intensity cardio are the way to go.


Workout Program

So, now you understand that you should swallow your ego and hit the gym, you should find a sound workout plan to reach your goal. For optimal and fast results, I recommend 3 days of High Intensity Interval Training Cardio (HIIT) and 3 days of weight training in the gym with one rest day. Again, that’s for optimal results manipulate the following schedule according to your lifestyle.

Saturday: Weight Lifting

Sunday: TFA Cardio workout

Monday: Weight lifting

Tuesday: TFA Cardio workout

Wednesday: Weight lifting

Thursday: TFA Cardio workout

Friday: Rest


Essential workouts that you should integrate in your routine:

1) Squats (Dumbbells or Barbells)

2) Deadlifts

3) Planks (several variations)

4) Dumbbell Shoulder Press

5) Dumbbell Chest Press

6) Barbell Biceps curl

7) Triceps Rope Pushdown