These smoothies are not jest helpful in weight loss and body trimming, they also taste delicious and help you feel fuller and   more energetic. Who wouldn’t want to give it a shot?



  1. Bye Bye BellyBerries:


1 scoop of low-fat vanilla ice-cream.

¼ cup of frozen mixed berried.

½ cup of low-fat milk.

1 tbsp vanilla whey protein.


  1. Hungry Honey


1 scoop of low-fat butter pecan ice-cream.

½ cup of low-fat milk.

1 tbsp vanilla whey protein powder.

1 tsp ground flaxseed.

1 dash of cinnamon.

1 tsp of honey.


  1. “No More Crunches” Chocolate


1 scoop low-fat chocolate ice-cream.

1 tbsp chocolate syrup.

½ cup low-fat chocolate milk.

1 tbsp of chocolate whey protein powder.

½ a banana.


  1. Go Banana Nuts

1 banana, frozen, halved.

1 cup vanilla low-fat yogurt.

¼ cup of chopped walnuts.

½ tsp ground cinnamon.

1 tsp honey (optional).

1/8 tsp of ground nutmeg.


  1. Orange Obilques


1 navel orange, peeled.

¼ cup fat-free yogurt.

2 tbsp of frozen orange juice.

¼ teaspoon vanilla extract.



  1. Plankless Peach


2 cups of fat-free milk .

2 cups of frozen unsweetened sliced peaches.

¼ cup of frozen orange juice.

1 tbsp splenda.