
Going to any government office to issue official papers, renew your passport, ID or even your car license is a real challenge in this country. What’s even more challenging is having to deal with the types of people you always meet there. Here are some examples of the types of people you may encounter while finishing your papers:

The Smiling Person

“The smiling person” is a common type that would usually find. He is always smiling awkwardly and looks like he doesn’t have a clue about anything and you wonder if he even knows why he’s here right now.


The Cursing Person

These people are always picking up fights for a reason or another; they scream, curse, and push everyone around. They fight so hard you feel they will pull out a gun and shoot everyone in sight.


The Fainting Woman

These are usually women who either have a real medical condition which causes them to pass out or they are just normal women who are bored of standing in line or are just in a hurry and need to finish their papers as fast as possible. They may fake fainting so that someone can help them finish whatever they’re here for.


The Riddler

This one reminds you of “The Riddler” character in Batman comics; he’s a person who only walks around asking questions.”Where’s the line? Where are the papers? How can I get them? Where’s the next window? Is there a bathroom here? Do you smoke? Why does the earth revolve around the sun? How can you mend a broken heart?….” Even though the answers are too obvious most of the time; he just probably enjoys asking the questions anyway.


The Overly Sweaty Guy

This type applies to almost 90% of the people you meet there. It is someone who is insanely sweating and his sweat is flying everywhere, mostly on you, that you feel the urge to kill yourself and save him the trouble.


The Family

This type you will never understand; they’re a whole family which consists of a mother, a father and kids who are all there to finish dad’s papers, as if the place is not crowded enough. You will usually hear “Come baba, come mama, over here, sit here baba, wait for me there mama.”


The Hug Giver

This is a very friendly (sweaty) person you’ve just met who happens to ask you questions and gives you a hug after each answer. “Is this your first time to issue a passport?”, hug, “did you bring all the required papers?”, hug, “can I stand in front of you in the line? No?”, hug…
