
Getting engaged is all cute and perfect, right? Well, NO! We actually don’t know half of it. When we think of engagement, we only think ofย a big party and getting one step closer to marrying the person we love. Maybe a huge part of why some are happy is that they can now go out alone, without having toย come up with some scheme to cover forย it.

Buckle your seat belts because theย drama is near, and here is why:

PS: Odds of all of the below list happening to you is very minimal.

#1: Both Parents Get Involved in Almost Everything

It’s annoying how both of your parents start making decisions on your behalf. One day they’reย setting an engagement date without taking your opinions, and the other they’re deciding the location of your future home. Why is it that parents are too controlling and bossy?

#2: Families Might Clash

If all the talks about your future lifeย together as a married couple went smoothly, then you are truly lucky. In most cases, parents start fighting about almost every single detail. The bride-to-be’s mum wants her daughter toย resideย close to her and the groom-to-be’s family refuses to buy a newย propertyย (A typical Egyptian story).

#3: You Might Be Called Materialistic

It makes total sense ifย your family expects a certain standard of living. But because you are living in this weird society, some people mistake it for being materialistic. It makes total sense if you want to live at a standard that is almostย identical to the one you’re used to.

#4: You Get to Meet His/Her Over Jealous Mum/Dad A LOT

Even if he is not a momma’s boy or she is not her daddy’s little princess, that doesn’t mean that his/her mum/dad doesn’t get super jealous over him/her. It is almost an embedded option in every mum/dad’s brain. You’ll suffer a lot if you don’t know how to be a kiss ass and win them over.

#5: The Pressure Makes You Both Cranky

The biggest decision you both had to make beforeย going ahead with this engagement is choosing where to go out. Now you get to make huge decisions that can affect both of your futures drastically. You become part of a loopย that only makes you feel nostalgic for your old single life.

#6: When You Both Fight, The Whole World Knows About It

Now your fights go viral in both of your families’ circles that you think your own doormanย probably knows about it too. You need to set the level of your privacy right away, otherwiseย prepare yourself to be everyone’sย entertainment materialย at family gatherings.

#7:ย People Pressure You With Their High Expectations

It’s smart to just ignore people and not to care about their expectations. But for some people, it’s toxic. You start thinking that people would expect a certain engagement party hosted at one of theย luxurious hotels, a ring that is as huge as a rock and so much more. Not being able to meet people’s expectations will pressure you to death.

#8: It Might Seem Like aย Sell and Buy Transaction

Some families act as if they’re selling their daughter to that other family. That’s why they start asking for too much. This attitude shows that this family doesn’t really understand that their daughter is worth so much more than even all the money in this world.

#9: Taking The Side of Your Parents (Being Super Defensive)

Parents don’t make sense all the time, that’s why every one of you should have his/her own point of view. But taking your parents’ side blindly in a defensive way might cost you this relationship.

Like everything else in the world, there are two sides to getting engaged. Don’t just get engaged for the obvious superficial reasons, only do it if you’re truly in love with that person. And believe me if both families are understanding and willing to make compromises, this engagement will be nothing like this article!