Wherever you go these days, you will surely come across some of the countless publicity for the inauguration of the New Suez Canal. For someone who’s completely oblivious when it comes to pretty much every and anything, I don’t understand what the whole fuss is about!

Thanks to the internet, a few articles here and there highlighted the significance of this mega project and its ambitious projections for boosting the stagnant Egyptian economy. For those who are still unaware of the latest updates, a new extension for the Canal, costing BILLIONS of dollars, has been completed, promising thousands of job opportunities and more billions in revenues.

The New Suez Canal is crucial for both Egypt and world trade. We were all honored to see a huge billboard advertising the project mounted in Times Square, New York.


If there’s anything we’re skeptical of, however, it’s the redundant hype around it. Yes, we should be super proud of this historical event; it’s a huge deal; we cherish it even more now that its inauguration day has been officially named a national holiday, but all the street buildup, seriously, what’s that about?!

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Remember the Economic Development Conference a few months back? This conference set the bars so high for the expectations of the outcomes of all future events; we all anticipated something even more grand for the New Canal.

Check out the Q&A with the Youth of Egypt’s Economic Development Conference

The art work for the ad campaign is impeccable, to say the least. Why the hell didn’t we keep the momentum? Why are these creepy inflated creatures popping up around every sreet corner? Why can’t we maintain the same superb quality till the very end? We’ll never know…

Happy New Suez Canal, y’all!