How many times have you been asked about your horoscope? Or heard someone saying “She’s a total Gemini,” or “He did this because he’s a Leo”? People are obsessed with horoscopes, and even with it being debatable of whether they are true or not, the traits usually sound right for every sign – at least some of them.

We make judgment of people by their signs, because we know all the traits. Then comes the least popular sign, Sagittarius. When you ask a Sagittarius about their sign, you never engage in a conversation. You simply reply with an “oh…”

Is the lack of knowledge about Sagittarius because they’re mysterious, or simply plain boring? In my humble opinion, Sagittarius are the “meh” of the horoscopes. They really are quite boring, and it’s mostly because they try too hard. So from the world to Sagittarius, here’s why the world doesn’t like you, but shy away from telling you:

Not everything is philosophical


You could say a simple hello, and a Sagittarius will make a big philosophical deal out of it! I just said a hello, there aren’t greater meanings behind it!

They’re overly optimistic, and it’s annoying

You know when you have a crisis at work, and your company might shut down and you find a person saying “cheer up guys, it could’ve been worse”? That dude is probably a Sagittarius! Optimism is great, but-not-all-the-effing-time!

The hippy lifestyle you have is ridiculous!

That annoying optimistic person we mentioned above probably keeps saying that they have a “free soul” and doesn’t want to be brought down by society. Yet they somehow manage to be a part of every, and any, thing. Which leads us to…

Your involvement in everything is desperate

It’s great to be involved with different things, and different people, but you don’t have to be a part of everything. It’s actually quite insulting, because it gives other a subtle vibe that we aren’t special.

Your lack of emotions is creepy

You know Ted Bundy? The worst serial killer of modern history? He’s a Sagittarius, and that’s exactly how every single Sagittarius looks to the world – an emotional psychopath. Showing some emotions is healthy, especially since we all know damn well that you actually have feelings.

Your “let’s be adventurous” attitude is reckless

Again, adventure is great and all, but be smart about it! Sagittarius try too hard to be the adventurous ones, and they might actually end up hurting themselves, or others in the process.

And we all know you do all this to feed your ego and compensate for your nothingness

Sagittarius can talk the talk, but could never walk the walk. They want to give themselves a know it all persona, but really, deep down we know they’re just blank!

But in all fairness, we all need a Sagittarius in our lives

I almost said so we’d feel better about ourselves around them cause they’re a mess, BUT Sagittarius do actually have their good sides. Even though they’re a mess themselves, they still somehow balance everyone else’s lives. They’re always the voice of reason of the group, even if we feel like killing them at some point.