In a country where finding love is as difficult as finding a parking spot, we are confronted with all different kinds of lovers. There are those who are faithful and share their love with only us, and then there are those who share their love with just about everyone. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, today we’re going to talk about cheaters. And because there are so many different brands of cheaters, we thought we’d put them all here in a convenient list! 

1- El Mebasbasaty 

Every time a girl walks past, he is sure to look. He has a natural talent for peeping and likes to practice it often. Think of it this way; he just appreciates beauty and can’t help himself from expressing it through staring. El mebasbasaty is usually harmless because we all like to look! But if it happens too often, be sure to give him a talking to. matt-smith-checking-out

2- The Cheating Texter

He’s always on his phone. He doesn’t want you to peek because he’s always texting some other girl. What’s worse is that when it comes to your texts, he’s slow to reply! Texting is a pretty volatile form of communication these days and is not as harmless as it might look. When it comes to this guy, you should consider breaking it off if he won’t show you his phone! 200_s

3- The Ladies Man

Every time you’re out with your friends, he’s always chatting someone up. He’s very flirtatious and likes to compliment all your friends; it’s that kind of charm that drew you to him. When it comes to this guy, you need to keep your cool and realize that although he can chat any girl up, he only has eyes for you. But just in case he doesn’t…drop’em like a hot potato. tumblr_m99ic1kTT51r81wtbo1_500

4- The Pretender

This one pretends to be single, even though he’s actually dating you! He told every other girl you know that he’s single, but the truth is he isn’t! You should put this guy out of his misery and really make him single! im-single

5- The Porn Addict

He’s not really cheating on anyone…But he likes to watch porn. There are some people who are bothered by this, but think of  it this way, it’s not particularly harmful. It’s only when it happens too often that you should bring this up for discussion. tumblr_mvcn80zZ1g1sgya8jo2_500

When it comes to cheaters, there are those you should forgive and those you should definitely forget! But at least with every different type of cheater comes an interesting relationship story.