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5 Sex Facts Every Girl Should Know

NB: We’re not promoting pre-martial sex. These are general tips for girls to know, and how they use the tips is up to them.

I strongly believe that Egypt is in dire need of sex education in schools, but realistically speaking, we may not live long enough to witness it. We’re being raised thinking that sex is the devil which takes over our genitals, unless we’re married. Girls, in particular, are clueless when it comes to their genitals, like it’s not even part of their bodies. It blows my mind that some girls don’t even know what or where their vaginas are.

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room, sex. It’s a natural living being instinct; sex was and never will be an evil act. If you’re one of the girls who’s never read about sex or doesn’t know much about it except from what society feeds you, it’s high time you start educating yourself.

-Women shouldn’t think about sex

It is scientifically proven that women think about sex as much as men. Again, it’s a natural urge- like hunger and thirst. Whether you act upon it or not, that’s your choice. Thinking about it isn’t abnormal or wrong; it’s only natural.

-Virginity is the hymen

NO! Hell, no! Some women are born without a hymen; some lose it in accidents, while others never actually break it. At the end of the day, it’s an extra body part of no significance what so ever.  The concept of virginity is subjective: is it vaginal sex, any sexual intercourse –including oral sex- or any physical contact? Technically, oral and anal are sex acts, but some girls believe it’s not. Newsflash: it is sex! All of these points are debatable, but what we should agree on is that your hymen is no way a proof of your virginity.

-My vagina is “deformed”

Vaginoplasty, a reconstructive plastic surgery for the vaginal canal and its mucous membrane, was one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the US last year.  Even though it’s not as popular in Egypt, the idea of the “perfect vagina” is still very much on the horizon. Vaginas come in different shapes and sizes. The popular shape of the vagina is very rare. Porn plays a major role in defining how vaginas should look like. Don’t feel insecure that your vagina doesn’t look like a porn star’s because it really shouldn’t.

-Sex hurts

The misconception that “sex hurts” is very common, particularly during the first time, making many girls fear sex. The nights of the wedding become a nightmare, rather than a day of a lifetime. It shouldn’t hurt, and if it does, then there’s a problem. The man’s inexperience is usually the main reason  intercourse is sometimes painful the first time . Make sure you read about sex and save yourself the pain before you give it a try. If it keeps hurting, then make sure you’re not doing it wrong. The safest thing would be to see a doctor or a specialist. There’s absolutely no shame in that.

-Sex stretches your vagina

This is a very common misconception. Vaginas are like rubber bands; they stretch then go back to their normal sizes. Think of it this way, if it could shrink back after giving birth, then sex will never change its size.


There’s more things about sex that girls should learn, but I believe these are the most important points that girls should know so they won’t fear the idea of sex. Learning about it and knowing the basics won’t turn girls into sex addicts, and it definitely won’t make them lose their innocence. It will only make them educated, confident about their bodies, and not feel abused when they’re married.

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