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Nada Salama, the emotional con-artist!

Yesterday’s latest trending bash were posts about Nada Salama, the young girl with a beautiful smile, saying that she committed suicide. Everyone, whether they knew her or not, felt bad about what happened. Then a few hours later she posted on her Facebook “JK, still alive!” The internet went crazy!! Tweets and Facebook posts went ballistic.

Even though it’s an extremely personal issue, assuming she was really dead, the internet and everyone on it still felt the need of putting their two cents.

Assuming she was really dead, that wasn’t how it should’ve been dealt with by any means. Maybe make a suicide awareness campaign on her behalf, or anything, basically, except pretending we all knew what happened to her that lead to her death.

However, that wasn’t what happened. She really didn’t die…

Here are the facts:

-She’s an underground celebrity with a huge social circle.

-Her death was announced by her supposed good friend, and comedian, Ali Quandil.

-He said her sister texted another friend of theirs saying that she died and was buried in Kafr El-Sheikh.

-He called her to check if it’s true and she was sobbing and confirmed her death.

-Ali took it to Facebook to announce her sudden suicide to their friends.

Now for the plot twist:

She ain’t really dead! After a few hours she made a “surprise bitches, I’m back” type of post and didn’t really give any reasons for her actions.


What’s worse is that she manipulated people into feeling bad about what lead her to this and most people are STILL feeling sympathetic towards her. A typical psychopathic move.

Her Facebook account is now deactivated as well.

Why did she fake her own death?

No one knows for certain, since she obviously didn’t explain anything, but there are many theories.

-Some say she is a professional con-artist and took over 70k from people, and when she was caught, she fakes her own death.

-Others say her parents didn’t approve of her lifestyle and faked their daughter’s death so she’d be locked in at home in Kafr El-Shikh and no one would know her.

Whatever the case is, it’s unacceptable. Not to mention, her very own reaction to the whole thing is extremely crude!

Here’s the main problem:

Suicidal people don’t go around saying “Oh look at me I tried killing myself 5 times before!” That’s not how it works! Most of them NEVER talk about it, until they’re caught or recovered.

For every person who’s ever been suicidal, or lost friends and family to suicide, we take this personal! Enough with using suicide as a mean of attention gaining or sympathy trick for others. Enough with playing with people’s emotions!

People like her are literally the reason why many people could die. If any actual suicidal person feels like he/she is in danger from their own self, they won’t have the guts to admit it or seek help, because they’ll be compared to people like her!


Stop using mental illness to seem deep! Stop glamorizing death! Stop playing with people’s emotions! Stop hurting people with actual problems and mental illness! And for anything that is holy out there, stop making people like her heroes!

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