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Types of Egyptian Fathers

When it comes to parenting, dads play a pivotal role in their children’s upbringing. Fathers are unique; no dad is like the other. As a tribute to all the forgotten fathers out there, Identity decided to compile a list of all the types of fathers you can find:

The Delusional Dad

This type of dad has absolutely no idea what the reality is. He’s convinced that his kids are angels sent from heaven above, that they will never do anything wrong, while in fact, his kids are demons from hell! He’s always very proud when he speaks about them, when everyone around him knows the ugly truth, but doesn’t wish to burst his bubble!

The Aggressive Dad

He’s always highly agitated; screaming, shouting, and causing extreme anxiety for his kids.

The “Cool” Dad

They still live in the 80s, listen to Boney M, and think they’re the sh*t. They’re the most embarrassing type of fathers, because they always mingle with your friends and try way too hard to be a part of the gang cause they think they’re hip.

The Actual Cool Dad

They have lived their youth to the max, and grew up to not give a crap about anything or anyone. They’ll let their kids do whatever they want, but still care a great deal about them. If you have this kind of father, I guarantee you, your friends envy you.

The Businessman

He’s extremely rich, successful, and runs several million dollar businesses. His kids have no choice but to take over his business when they get older.

The Doctor

They’re very academic, and take everything too seriously. If you’re not a brilliant A student like they were, they’ll get extremely “disappointed.” They expect you to become a doctor, marry a doctor, and give birth to more doctors.

The MIA Father

He’s not in his kid’s life for one reason or the other, yet he’ll still want to get involved in any of their major life decisions. They’re the worst type of fathers, and they know it.

The Overprotective Father

“BENTY MATENZELSH MA3 WELAD, W TERGA3 EL BAIT EL SA3A 8!! MALEESH DA3WA ENEK 3ANDEK 25 SANA!” It’s also damn near impossible for their kids to date. Ever!

The Ladies’ Man Father

He’s an old hag who keeps hitting on all his kids’ female friends. He thinks he’s funny and charming, but he’s super creepy and embarrassing for his kids.

The Nostalgic Father

He keeps repeating stories from the old times, and how he used to buy the whole kiosk for 10 cents. You hear the same stories over, and over, and over, and over….

The “My Kids Will Never Grow Up” Father

He’s never be convinced that you’re growing older. He still books your hotel room for children, to get the discount without realizing that you’re almost 30 years old. He still treats you like you’re his precious newborn baby.

The Super Father

They’re the best fathers there is! They’re the textbook definition of a good dad. They’re every kid’s backbone, and the family’s rock. They’d do anything for their kids, and have nothing but love and respect for their families.


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