When your best friend is getting married, all other weddings pale in comparison. Your mind is a cauldron of emotions, happiness and excitement bubbling together with denial and nervousness. You feel a huge responsibility that you have to be by her side every step of the way, and as a VIP guest and co-planner, you might not experience the decorations and grandeur as a normal guest, but you will most likely experience these feelings.

1-Blind excitement

As soon as your best friend tells you that she set a date, you get swamped with excitement that won’t go away until after the day of the wedding. You start picturing how everything will be just like you’re planning for your very own wedding.


2-There’s too much to do and too little time

As the best friend, naturally you must go shopping with her for every little detail, be involved in all the little things like picking the venue, the wedding planner, the invitations, and all the songs for the playlist. You need to figure out what to wear, how to do your hair, and of course, you need to start a surefire workout plan to lose those last stubborn pounds you have been trying to lose.

3-Is this really happening?

So begins the denial stage, the phase where you start thinking to yourself “wow, shit is getting real!!” This stage actually lingers with you for so long it actually stays with you even after the wedding is over and the bride flies away on her honeymoon.


4-We’ve grown up so fast

Your memories together start flying in front of your eyes, you start having flashbacks to when you were little kids and playing together, or graduating, or the first time you remember her mentioning this guy who happens to be “the groom” now.  And then you find yourself wondering, “How did we grow up so fast?”

5-You need to have a room in her house

You resolve that you won’t allow her marriage to tear your friendship apart and you decide that you must have a room in their house.

6-She’s so beautiful

This feeling starts from the first dress she tries on at the boutique until she actually puts on her white gown the morning of the wedding.

it's beautiful

7-The entrance is intimidating

You get really thrilled before the entrance; your stomach feels like it is full of butterflies as if you’re getting ready for a roller coaster ride! And you’re trying desperately to hold back your tears when the bride enters.

8-I need to get as many pictures as I can

As soon as the wedding starts, you feel that you have to take as much pictures as you possibly can with the bride so you don’t regret it later. And when you start uploading the pictures on Instagram and other social media platforms, you keep trying to come up with creative and genuine captions to accurately capture the beautiful moments.

9-How did it all ends so quickly

As soon as the wedding ends, you feel a little shock that it all ended so quickly, like the whole thing was on fast forward and you needed more time to soak it all in.