Literature and resistance go hand in hand. Poetry screams self-expression. Arabs have excelled in poetry since the break of dawn and who better than Palestinians to take it to poetry to express their heavy emotions? Palestine birthed many god-gifted poets and here are some of them along with iconic lines from their most prominent poems:

Said Al Muzayin:

The writer of the national anthem of Palestine, Said Al Muzayin is dubbed “The Boy of the Revolution”, referencing back to his strong words of selflessness for the freedom of his country. These are words from Palestine’s national anthem “Feda’y”.

Mahmoud Darwish:

These are words from his “I Come From There” poem. Mahmoud Darwish was considered one of the most published poets and writers in one of the most critical times in Palestine. Most of his poetry spoke passionately about his broken homeland and intense romance.

Fadwa Tuqan:

Titled the “Mother of the Palestinian Poetry” by Mahmoud Darwish, Fadwa Tuqan was introduced to poetry by her brother Ibrahim Tuqan, who’s also a renowned Palestinian poet. Fadwa’s words were like weapons against the brutal circumstances she and her entire nation lived in. Above are words from one of her most famous poems, “Hamza”.

Ibrahim Tuqan:

Ibrahim Tuqan was a Palestinian nationalist poet whose work made a mark on Arabs during their revolution against the British mandate. His words were always powerful and formed a strong reflection of his patriotism as seen in one of his well-known poems, “Mawteni”.

Tell us your favorite lines from these iconic poets and what other Palestinian poets are you familiar with their work?