Three days have passed since the end of the long Eid weekend, and everyone at the workplace seems to be in different states of mind. There are distinct types of employees you’re likely to encounter, each with their own reaction to returning to work after the extended break and their unique approach to tackling their daily tasks. Here are four types of employees dominating every workplace nowadays.

The One Who Is Still on Vacation

You might find yourself mentally still on vacation, staring at your laptop screen while a range of unread emails await your attention. Meanwhile, some colleagues might still be physically on vacation, extending their time off for a few more days to postpone their return to work for as long as possible.

The One with the Messy Sleep Schedule

Getting back on track without any effort is never easy. One common challenge for many employees is readjusting their sleep schedule, which often gets disrupted during Ramadan or Eid vacation. This group needs some time to transition back to their usual energetic routine.

The One Who Can’t-Wait to Go Back to Work

These employees constantly express how much they missed their work routine during the long vacation and couldn’t wait to return to work. Described as the most energetic, they have fully recharged their energy during their days off and are back on track with full power.

The One Who Is Lost & Confused

Who are we? And what are we doing here? Some might find themselves still lost, confused, and trying to figure out how they used to handle their daily tasks. This is what’s called the post-vacation effect, which fades as everyone gets more involved with their work.

Which type of employee are you? Share your thoughts in the comments below!