True friendship is a lasting bond that complements our lives, but not all friendships are created equal. Sometimes, between the laughter and great moments, there can be signs indicating that the friendship might not be as healthy as it seems. Here are five red flags in friendships that shouldn’t be ignored:

Self-Centered Conversations:
A genuine friendship is a two-way street where both share their joys and struggles. However, if you find that your friend dominates conversations with stories of their own life and rarely asks about yours, it’s time to address the issue. Friendship should be about mutual interests and support, not a one-sided narrative.

If They See You As Competition:
Healthy competition can be a motivator, but when it creeps into friendships, it can be toxic. If your friend constantly tries to one-up you or seems threatened by your achievements, it may show feelings of jealousy or insecurity. True friends celebrate each other’s successes, rather than viewing each other as enemies.

Too Many Backhanded Compliments:
Compliments should affirm, not undermine. Be careful of friends who consistently criticize you by passing them as compliments. “You would look pretty if you lost a little weight” or “You have a colorful personality” are examples of these backhanded remarks. Genuine friends offer sincere praise without hidden agendas or ulterior motives.

If They Use You to Get Ahead at Anything:
Friendship should never be conditional, where one person exploits the other for personal gain. If you notice that your friend only reaches out when they need something from you, whether it’s emotional support, favors, or connections, it’s a clear red flag. True friendship is built on mutual care, not opportunism.

If They Put You Down in Front of Others:
A real friend will defend you in your absence and uplift you in your presence. If your friend belittles you, especially in front of others, it’s a sign of disrespect. Friends should provide a safe space where you feel valued and accepted for who you are, not criticized or being the joke of the hour.

Remember, true friendship enriches your life, while toxic relationships drain your energy and happiness.